
so far, i only have one game, but there is another one in the works! i had to trick neocities into letting me upload the game file without upgrading to a paid subscription so formal apologies for the weird url

1. first degree - you wake up with a headache in an ostentatious gilded room. what happened before you woke up...?
this is a short, text-only mystery game. it should take less than 5 minutes to play through to the end. rated T for its themes and foul language. list of trigger warnings can be found here, though it does, by necessity, include spoilers

feedback? comments, questions, whatever else? send me an ask on tumblr! anon is on, so you don't need an account. click here to go right to my askbox! liked my game? want to support me? buy me a coffee on kofi! or you could check out my etsy here to buy one of my handmade crochet products :)

you can go back if you want!